Duration: 5 years: November 2019 – November 2024
Funding: NAMA Facility
Implementing partners: ANME – GIZ
The NAMA Construction proposal entitled ‘Energy Management in the Tunisian Building Sector ‘ (Maîtrise de l’énergie dans le secteur du bâtiment en Tunisie) was developed by ANME as part of the ‘Mitigation Momentum’ project, funded by the ‘International Climate Initiative’ of the German Government.
This NAMA aims to bring about a real step-change in the development of the existing solar programmes – PROSOL for solar water heaters and PROSOL ELEC for decentralized PV – and to promote the new PROMO-ISOL programme for the thermal insulation of buildings.
The NAMA Construction proposal was designed to help remove the barriers faced by these programmes. These barriers are mainly linked to access to capital and insufficient technical and organizational capacities.
In October 2016, as part of promoting this NAMA, a funding request was presented to the ‘NAMA Facility’ fund as part of its fourth call for projects. This request was one among seven projects selected out of a total of 76 international candidates.
The financing of the NAMA Facility consists of:
- A technical component to support the three programmes;
- A fiscal component for financial support towards market development of small PV systems for low-income households, using a financial mechanism similar to that of PROSOL ELEC, currently in force;
The NAMA Facility gave conditional confirmation for the allocation of €15.1 million, in the form of a grant for the period end 2020 – 2024, of which nearly €10 million was for financial support and the rest for the technical component and management costs.
This programme, which is being implemented by ANME and GIZ, is currently in the process of being set up and should go into operation from the end of 2020.