Year of launch:: 

MED DESIRE is a Mediterranean development based on the promotion of solar energy nd renewable energies. It is a strategic project based on a multilateral cross-border cooperation, co-financed by the European Union through the IEVP CT MED 2007 – 2013 - over a period of 35 months.

The project's priorities, which ended on December 30, 2015, were to achieve tangible results to respond to solar energy technology challenges in order to diffuse these technologies in the Mediterranean basin.
The project brought together nine partners from five different countries:

Italy :

  • Puglia Region - Regional Ministry for Economic Development - Department of Research and Industrial Innovation (lead partner)
  • ARTI, Regional Agency for Technology and Innovation (main coordinator of the project ) ;
  • IMELS, the Italian Ministry of Environment, Land and Sea ;
  • ENEA, the Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy Development and Sustainable Economy ;

Spain :

  • Andalusia Energy Agency, AEE ;
  • Andalusia Institute of Technology, IAT ;
  • Andalusia Center for Energy, Environment and Technological Investigations - Almeria Solar Platform, CIMAT PSA ;

Tunisia :

  • The National Agency for Energy Conservation ANME ;

Lebanon :

  • The Lebanese Center for Energy Management, LCEC ;

Egypt :

  • The Egyptian Authority of New and Renewable Energy, NREA.

In Tunisia, the project contributed to the following activities:

  • Strengthening the capacities of more than one hundred architects, engineers and finance workers of public administrations, of the regional institutions and of the private sector,
  • Reinforcement and dissemination of national expertise for the certification of equipment for solar energy technologies,
  • Design of an innovative and adequate financing mechanism for the promotion of medium-sized photovoltaic solar,
  • Improving participatory and communicative approaches and the building of a consensus among key stakeholders (public and private sectors) aroud the central role of renewable energies in sustainable development and environmental protection through:
    • The organization of several communication events and round tables targeting more than 300 stakeholders representing the public and private sectors,
    • The development, printing and distribution of several hundred guides, brochures, awareness and communication materials,
  • Capitalization on the experiences of national public and private actors at an international level,
  • Creation of a framework for collaboration between suppliers and energy technology services in the Mediterranean countries of the European Union (EU) and the Mediterranean Partner Countries (MPC) to boost the development of a common market and Sustainable energy through.

For more information on this project, please visit MED DESIRE.

The tertiary and industrial sector
  • 30%
    The scarcity of national natural resources along with the increase of energy demand leads Tunisia to initiate an energy transition process focusing on the increase of the share of renewable energies in the production of electricity in order to reach 12% by 2020 and 30% by 2030, in comparison to the current 3%. Indeed, the objective is to reach a renewable electric power of 3815 MW by 2030.
  • 45%
    International negotiations on climate change resulted in a historic agreement in December 2015 in Paris called the "Paris Agreement"
  • 35%
    Penetration rate of renewable energies in electricity production in 2030