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In order to ensure a good participatory approach and to establish effective cooperation between the various operators in the public and private sectors, a public-private partnership initiative has been set up through the creation of an ad-hoc solar thermal group. It is formed by the key representatives and actors of the sector (CSNER, Cluster ER, ELECENER, Tunisian industrialists, consulting firms, CESC and CESI installers) and representatives of the governmental institutions (DGE, ANME, CTMCCV).

Thus, this group meets periodically to guarantee the sustainable development of the solar thermal market. Among other things, as a first mission, the group will be responsible for proposing and validating improvements on the specifications for the eligibility of operators and products, within the framework of a mission financed by German international cooperation, GIZ , through the project of Development of the Solar Market.

The tertiary and industrial sector
  • 30%
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    Penetration rate of renewable energies in electricity production in 2030